Become a member

Why to become a member?

  • By becoming a member, you are helping build a stronger community and a better future for young adults living with mental health issues.
  • Becoming a member will give you free access (depending on availability) to the many workshops offered by Mon Shack.
  • Becoming a member is an easy, no cost and significant way to support the mental health cause and more specifically, to support the work performed by Mon Shack.
  • Becoming a member of Mon Shack is free. However, we accept donations but it is totally up to you.

Membership requests or renewal as a member

Admission Conditions

  • Complete and sign the membership request or member renewal request.
  • Support the mission and objectives of Mon Shack.
  • Commit to respecting the rules.

    Become a member

    First Name

    Last Name




    Postal Code

    Phone (home)

    Phone (mobile)


    membre actifmembre honoraire

    J'aimerais faire un don

    Member Categories

    Mon Shack has two categories of members, active members and honorary ones.


    All individuals, institutions or corporations interested in the goals and activities of the organization can become active members by agreeing to the following terms:

    • be 18 years of age or older;
    • preferably be a person from the Eastern Townships;
    • complete the form for this purpose which is available at Mon Shack;
    • agree to conform to the regulations of Mon Shack;
    • agree to other conditions and rules as decreed by the board of directors.

    Active members can participate in all activities of the organization (according to availability and with the resources of the organization), can receive notices of member assemblies, can attend these assemblies and can vote.


    To be able to use your right to vote at the annual general assembly (AGA), the active member must have completed the current form in the organization during the fiscal year (before March 31st).


    The board of directors, by resolution, may at any time appoint as an honorary member of the organization any person who has provided services through their work or donations or who has demonstrated support for the organization’s objectives.


    Honorary members can participate in the activities of the organization (according to availability and with the resources of the organization) and attend member assemblies. However, honorary members will not be able to vote at the assemblies or be elected to the board of directors. Honorary members are not expected to pay any dues or contributions to the organization.